Hi, My name is Jim Argenta. I created Above and Below Home Inspections in 1996. I am the Owner and Sole Proprietor. The business is located in the Town of Amston but I will go anywhere in the State of Connecticut to serve your needs. I am fully licensed by the State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection to perform Home Inspections, CT License# HOI #433. I am a smaller Company with a lot of local experience along with knowledge of older homes up to today's newer technologies. I have performed thousands of inspections to date. I have lived in CTfor over 25 Years and have raised my family here. I promise to perform a thorough inspection of your property and provide you with your report, which will include digital photography, the same day, sent to you in protected email form so it can be forwarded to anyone during your buying process. I take the time to answer all your questions and describe to you the components of your home during and after the inspection. Lastly I am there for you even after the inspection and Report are complete. Did you ask for repairs to be made? How do you know if they were done and if they were done correctly? Call me after the repairs are complete and I will come back, inspect the repairs and let you know if everything is in good condition at no extra cost to you. Why you say? You have already paid me for my services and I believe this is part of that service to you. Can you find another company that offers that?